How to orgasm every time you have sex? -Part 1

How to orgasm every time you have sex? -Part 1

Orgasm is a very beautiful thing, whether it's a clitoral or vaginal orgasm, every girl should learn how to orgasm passionately. If you find hand stimulation too tiring, you can also try buying some sex toys on ooty to enhance the pleasure.

Understand the anatomy of your own body

When you are in the process of sex and masturbation, the above picture is a few major anatomical locations that you must pay attention to.And pay more attention to a few particularly sensitive areas, such as: clitoris, G-spot, A-spot. These positions are where you can be most comfortable.Make sure to thoroughly explore other areas, such as the labia and anus, during masturbation.

How to make yourself orgasm faster

Before you can orgasm, you have to learn to be comfortable with yourself. And let yourself orgasm first, it will be faster than your other half giving you orgasm. Therefore, we suggest that you temporarily forget about him! Until you can safely let yourself orgasm, when you find it easier, then pull him in together!.

slow down

You can't "rush" to orgasm! We strongly recommend slowing yourself down before learning how to orgasm. Think about foreplay, take a longer bath or bubble bath, and make sure you wash everything to make you feel refreshed and clean. Dry and get ready, get under the covers and turn off the lights. The point is, before you start, make yourself feel hot, sexy, and comfortable, if you think you'd be sexy in pajamas, wear them; if loose pajamas are your thing, wear them too; but if If you think it's more sexy to be naked, then don't wear anything. Remember, it's all up to you to have an orgasm, so it's imperative that you feel most comfortable.

real orgasm

The first time you seriously touch your body with your hands, try to focus on the point where you feel the most irritation, and when you're ready, lower your hands toward the vagina. Above the vagina is the "clitoris", which is the outside of the vagina The most sensitive position, and will arouse your sexual pleasure. This is a small, sensitive skin switch and the easier point to find. Sex isn't always all about clitoral stimulation, especially if your clitoris is small or far from your vagina, you may be tempted to say you can't orgasm. However, at least research has shown that knowing a little more about the clitoris will make it easier to orgasm during masturbation, and when you know how to orgasm more easily during masturbation, we believe it will also be easier to have an orgasm during sex .

First of all, we recommend that most girls focus on this area when they first want to find an orgasm; also pay attention to the folds on both sides of the outside of the vagina - the position of the labia. When you stimulate the clitoris, you will find it comfortable to rub in the "one o'clock direction". The "one o'clock" position will be the upper left of your clitoris, so it's easiest to stimulate with your left hand. You can also experiment to see how hard and how many times is the most comfortable friction for you. Second, just focus on rubbing, pressing on the clitoris, and continuing to stimulate, and when you do, you will find the pressure and intensity gradually peak to orgasm.

If you've never had an orgasm before, you'll need to keep experimenting until you see what's most comfortable for you, which is a lot of fun.

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